- 10October 10, 2022
Week 4 Day 1
Click on the words “Week 4 Day 1” to open the window for the video & more!
00:00 Solo Challenge #1: Without dying, instigate a level 4 alert then kill 6 incoming Unidad soldier’s using only shotguns.
05:56 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and using only explosives and CQC, deploy to Espiritu Santo Delta then complete the mission ‘Gold Rush South ‘.
08:05 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty and without being visually detected, deploy to Libertad Alpha then complete the mission ‘The Refinery Chief ‘.
15:50 Task Force Challenge: Kill any bosses from Smuggling provinces with a sniper shot from 300m or further. (3 times)
- 11October 11, 2022
Week 4 Day 2
Click on the words “Week 4 Day 2” to open the window for the video & more!
00:00 Solo Challenge #1: Appease the spirits of the Three Witches.
Visit Pa Kollu for the sacrifice after 22:00 and walk over to the Witches hut.1st Shrine Location :: -19.0898 / -59.1573
2nd Shrine Location :: -19.2339 / -59.6036
3rd Shrine Location :: -18.5457 / -59.6103-19.5980 / -59.6500 :: Pakollu Market Place for sacrifice
-19.5920 / -59.5847 :: Witches Hut :: La Guardia De Tres Brujas Location
05:35 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and using only sniper rifles, deploy to Barvechos Alpha then complete the mission ‘Nidia Flores ‘.
09:46 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty and without being visually detected, deploy to Espiritu Santo Delta then complete the mission ‘Gold Rush North ‘.
12:45 Task Force Challenge: Complete the mission ‘Operation Oracle Suspicion ‘.
- 12October 12, 2022
Week 4 Day 3
Click on the words “Week 4 Day 3” to open the window for the video & more!
00:00 Solo Challenge #1: While stationary, kill 3 Santa Blanca snipers from 100m or further.
02:02 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and without dying, deploy to Barchevos Bravo then complete the mission ‘El Pulpo ‘.
06:56 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty and using only SMG, deploy to Ocoro Charlie then complete the mission ‘Aggressive Competition ‘.
15:30 Task Force Challenge: Simultaneously destroy the convoy from the Koani mission ‘The Convoy’ and the convoy from the Libertad mission ‘Toxic Convoy ‘.
- 13October 13, 2022
Week 4 Day 4
Click on the words “Week 4 Day 4” to open the window for the video & more!
00:00 Solo Challenge #1: In Extreme difficulty, destroy 5 enemy vehicles in a row without being visually detected.
02:28 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty, without dying and using only explosives, deploy to Remanzo Bravo then complete the missions ‘The Quinoa Factory ‘ & ‘Energy Drinks ‘.
05:23 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty, without being visually detected and using only CQC, deploy to Montuyoc Bravo then complete the mission ‘The Instructors ‘.
10:19 Task Force Challenge: Kill La Plaga with a sniper shot from 200m or further.
- 14October 14, 2022
Week 4 Day 5
Click on the words “Week 4 Day 5” to open the window for the video & more!
00:00 Solo Challenge #1: Kill an enemy by hitting them with a boat.
01:06 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and using only sniper rifles, deploy to Malca Bravo then complete the mission ‘El Chido’s Car ‘.
05:16 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty and without dying, deploy to Ocoro Charlie then complete the mission ‘The Boat Lab ‘ & ‘Cooking with Coca ‘.
10:44 Task Force Challenge: Kill bosses with a crossbow headshot. (3 times)
- 15October 15, 2022
Week 4 Day 6
Click on the words “Week 4 Day 6” to open the window for the video & more!
00:00 Solo Challenge #1: Put an end to the false cult of El Tio.
1st Grave site: -19.7356 -64.1270
2nd Grave site: -19.6643 -64.0323
3rd Grave site: -19.6250 -64.1515Old Silver Mine entrance (top): -19.4500 -63.8985
1st Statue: -19.3958 -63.8925Malca mine site with couple mine entrances (bottom): -19.8146 -63.7071
2nd Statue roughly: -19.7354 -63.7403Mine entrance by Pilca Village: -19.1452 -62.6688
3rd Statue: -19.1014 -62.7055El Tio location at Pucara: -19.0575 -62.5324
12:40 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and using only sniper rifles, deploy to Flor de Oro Charlie then complete the mission ‘The Trail of the General ‘.
18:15 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty and using only explosives and CQC, deploy to Flor de Oro Charlie then complete the mission ‘The Black Site ‘.
24:15 Task Force Challenge: In any Production province, in Extreme difficulty, perform headshots on Santa Blanca soldiers (10 times).
- 16October 16, 2022
Week 4 Day 7
Click on the words “Week 4 Day 7” to open the window for the video & more!
00:00 Solo Challenge #1: Without dying, instigate a level 4 alert then shoot down Unidad response helicopters while the alert is active. (3 helicopters)
06:12 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and without taking any damage, deploy to Villa Verde Bravo then complete the mission ‘La Gringa ‘.
13:07 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty and using only the crossbow, deploy to Montuyoc Bravo then complete the mission ‘El Sueno ‘.
19:08 Task Force Challenge: Kill Madre Coca with a sniper shot from 200m or further. (1 time)
Daily challenges run on a 6-week cycle, repeating every 6 weeks.