How to Find/Start Operation Archangel




**NOTE** The game requires to be updated for any of the crossovers themed missions to work. 

**NOTE** Area must be discovered of the mission.


To find Operation Archangel, the Rainbow Six Siege crossover themed mission with Twitch & Caveira, put the cursor (mouse or right thumbstick) over any location in Caimanes province in the TacMap.   


Caimanes is found on the far right side of the map, basically, the center from the top and bottom.  If you have not completed it before, the mission R6 Logo icon should be blinking if the area is discovered.   Click on it to start the mission, otherwise, if it doesn’t show up or to restart the mission, in the red circle in the image below, left of “Missions” will be an icon for the button for your platform to press so the Missions selection menu comes up.


Select “Operation Archangel” right below “The Jungle Moved” and at the bottom right corner, click/press the button that the icon displays for your platform to “Select” for your first time completing it,  “Restart” to replay it.  One started/restarted, the R6 icon will be blinking to signal where to go.




Operation Archangel 2nd mission in Libertad


To find the 2nd Archangel mission, the first mission must be completed. If you have completed the first mission, you will then put the cursor (mouse or right thumbstick) over any location in Libertad province in the TacMap.   

Libertad is found at the bottom right corner of the map.  To start or to restart the mission, in the red circle in the image below, left of “Missions” will be an icon for the button for your platform to press so the Missions selection menu comes up.


Select “Operation Archangel” and at the bottom right corner, click/press the button that the icon displays for your platform to “Select” for your first time completing it,  “Restart” to replay it.  One started/restarted, the R6 icon will be blinking to signal where to go, Libertad city.


Click on it to start it up if you have the 1st Arachangel completed!


And that is all to finding and starting/restarting Operation Archangel missions.