Title Update 2.0.3 Patch Notes
PATCH NOTES TITLE UPDATE 2.0.3 April 13, 2020 Article: https://ghost-recon.ubisoft.com/game/en-us/news-updates/6fn96q9GgUB3NRZj7ExhuG/tom-clancys-ghost-recon-breakpoint-patch-notes-title-update-203 Forum post: https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthread.php/2215528-Tom-Clancy%E2%80%99s-Ghost-Recon%C2%AE-Breakpoint-%E2%80%93-Title-Update-2-0-3-Patch-Notes [Ubisoft] will release the patch in two parts with the first patch on PC tomorrow, April 14. If everything is implemented as expected, [Ubisoft] will have the maintenance on Wednesday, April 15, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4Read More →