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December 10
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    December 10, 2022

    Week 6 Day 6

    All day
    December 10, 2022
    Virtual Bolivia
    Click on the words “Week 6 Day 6” to open the window for the video & more!
    00:00 Solo Challenge #1: Using only 4 bullets or less, take down 4 Unidad snipers in a row without collateral damage.
    01:58 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and using only the crossbow, deploy to Malca Bravo then complete the mission ‘Show Canceled ‘.
    05:20 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty and using only sniper rifles, deploy to Inca Camina Bravo then complete the mission ‘Operation Silent Spade: SNAFU ‘.
    16:11 Task Force Challenge: In Extreme difficulty, run over a boss.






Daily challenges run on a 6-week cycle, repeating every 6 weeks.