- 28January 28, 2021
Week 5 Day 4
Click on the words “Week 5 Day 4” to open the window for the video & more!
00:00 Solo Challenge #1: In Libertad, use CQC to kill 5 Santa Blanca soldiers in a row without being visually detected and without collateral damage.
04:21 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and using only LMG, deploy to Malca Bravo then complete the mission ‘El Cardenal ‘.
09:17 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty and without taking any damage, deploy to Flor De Oro Alpha then complete the mission ‘General Baro ‘.
13:17 Task Force Challenge: Using only handguns, kill any bosses from Influence provinces with a headshot from 60m or further. (3 times)
Daily challenges run on a 6-week cycle, repeating every 6 weeks.