< 2020 >
January 29
  • 29
    January 29, 2020

    Week 1 Day 3

    All day
    January 29, 2020
    00:00 Solo Challenge #1: In Media Luna, without dying, instigate a level 4 alert level then shoot down Unidad response helicopters while the alert is active. (3 helicopters)
    05:37 Solo Challenge #2: In Extreme difficulty and without dying, deploy to Villa Verde Bravo then complete the mission ‘Laboratory 1‘ and ‘Laboratory 2 ‘.
    07:39 Solo Challenge #3: In Extreme difficulty, without being visually detected and using only CQC, deploy to Espiritu Santo Alpha then complete the mission ‘La Santera ‘.
    12:04 Task Force Challenge: In Caimanes, use helicopter weapons to destroy Unidad helicopters. (5 times)






Daily challenges run on a 6-week cycle, repeating every 6 weeks.